Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41 Finale
Another Survivor season has come and gone. I have mixed feelings on 41. The cast was excellent and there was some truly fun and interesting gameplay from most of them.
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episode 12
Survivor 41 gives us another really solid episode. This is what the average episode of Survivor should be.
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episode 11
Here we are, another great episode of Survivor 41, another stupid twist that falls completely flat.
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episode 10
This episode had interesting emotional conundrums, spectacular strategy, an epic blindside, and no time spent on garbage advantages. I love it!
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episode 9
Boy, was it nice to have an episode with no live Tribal Council. It's so refreshing. The boots of this episode were absolutely brutal with two of my favorites being voted out, but I'm not that upset about it.
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episode 8
Would you look at that...another episode with hardly any advantage talk. I like it! This was a solid episode of Survivor, even if the live Tribal made a large chunk of the episode feel irrelevant.
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episodes 6 & 7
Since no one was voted out in episode 6 and this was basically one long episode, I decided to combine my gameplay breakdown for these two episodes into one.
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episode 5
Survivor really needs to cool it with these advantages. Was anyone asking for this? If they were, they shouldn't have been. Someone get Mike White to give Jeff a call and put a stop to this madness.
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episode 4
Hot damn, what an episode. This was hands down the best episode of the season so far and an elite episode of Survivor overall. This was so fun and entertaining and almost none of it was spent talking about advantages.
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episode 3
Okay, I've got to say it...there are too many advantages in Survivor. I've kept an open mind up until now and I still enjoyed the episode, but I would enjoy it more if there was more time spent getting to know these people and see them interact
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41, Episode 2
I've been a little apprehensive of all the new twists Survivor has thrown in this season so far, but the Beware Advantage is definitely my favorite of the bunch, simply for its sheer entertainment value.
Ryan’s Analysis: Season 41 Premiere
Survivor is back, baby, and boy am I hyped! The cast is solid and I'm excited to see how this season plays out. So let's figure out who played well and who sucked!