Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 45, Episode 2
This was another really fun episode of Survivor. I'm really digging the vibe of the Reba tribe. It's a fun group and they got up to some really goofy moments that I don't think would have made the cut in a shorter episode.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 45 Premiere
I'm so excited to have Survivor back and it hit the ground running with an awesome premiere and what looks to be a disaster tribe. It's been a minute since we've had one of these. In the meantime, we have to figure out who played well and who sucked, so let's take a closer look.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44 Finale
Now, that is more like it. Season 44 is my favorite of the post-Covid seasons. While there was a little bit of garbage from production around the merge, most of the post-merge was nice and clean, as was the finale, with the exception being the fire-making challenge.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 12
This was another really fun episode of Survivor. We got good gameplay, bad gameplay, and some absolute insanity from Carolyn. This episode also set up the potential conflict of the finale nicely and I'm very hyped to see how it plays out.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 11
The hits keep on coming in Survivor 44. This was another fun episode, even if some of the gameplay didn't make much sense. I'm starting to suspect Carolyn might win this game.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 10
Man, this was another fun episode of Survivor. Going into Tribal Council, I had no idea who was going home and the only advantage that mattered was the ghost of a fake Idol. I loved it!
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 9
This was another fun episode of Survivor, even if I could do without the rice negotiation. I just loved the strategizing after the challenge and thinking about all of the different ways it could go. This is why I love Survivor. Take notes, Jeff!
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 8
Finally, we got a regular-ass Tribal Council. What a breath of fresh air! We haven't had one of these since Sarah got voted out. That's actually insane. We spent too much time at the Challenge in this episode and not enough time with the pre-Tribal strategy, but I still enjoyed the episode.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 7
If I wanted to watch a reality with a bunch of garbage twists, I would watch Big Brother. I'm getting pretty sick of Survivor pulling this crap. I don't like seeing people in this cast get screwed over. This is a great cast! Let them play! Can we at least get a normal Tribal Council at some point?!
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 6
This was a pretty straightforward episode of Survivor, but it was still very fun. I have a lot of questions about why Carolyn had a mace growing up, that's for sure.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 5
Well, I really liked the first 90 of this episode, but I'm really annoyed that Tika didn't have to go to Tribal Council. They lost the Immunity Challenge and I'm annoyed that we didn't get what could have been an awesome Tribal Council.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 4
I have to say I'm not a big fan of the twist in the episode. Swapping one person from each tribe to a new tribe and giving them a Hidden Immunity Idol feels like overly-manufactured drama. I would have rather seen a full tribe shuffle or maybe a chance to choose to mutiny to a new tribe in exchange for an Idol.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 3
There was some really fun fake Idol shenanigans in this episode, which made me laugh a lot. I really hope we get some good payoff from that.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44, Episode 2
Ugh, I can't believe my winner pick is already out. Carolyn is...something else and the birdcage twist actually turned out to be pretty fun.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 44 Premiere
Survivor is back, baby! And boy did it come back with a vengeance. That was an elite premiere of Survivor. Seriously one of the all time greats. I absolutely loved the episode. We have a stellar cast and two tribes that I think could be extremely exciting to watch, especially if one implodes like I think it will.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 43, Finale
Sigh. What the hell?! This show needs to get its editing game under control… Does the winner make sense and give a satisfying conclusion to the season? That isn't the case here and it's very frustrating.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 43, Episode 12
Ok, that was my favorite episode of the season, so far. The strategy talk after the Immunity Challenge was a ton of fun, but then things got real. That was one of the most brutal betrayals we've seen on Survivor.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 43, Episode 11
I love it when the contestants find a way to beat production at their own game. It always makes me laugh to watch production scramble to deal with something they didn't anticipate.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 43, Episode 10
Normally I don't really give a crap at all about the Reward Challenges on Survivor, but this episode was certainly an exception. Noelle's win was exciting and badass. Unfortunately, it helped lose her the game.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 43, Episode 9
I really enjoy these episodes of Survivor where they split the group up and two people get sent home. It's a fun way to shake up the game that feels more authentic than just advantages.