Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 14 (Finale Part 2)


Survivor 47 Finale "The Last Stand" Gameplay Analysis

"No pride on Survivor!"

-Jeff Probst

Well, we've completed another season of Survivor!  I would call the finale predictable, but not boring, and I definitely find it satisfying.  Rachel is a fantastic winner and I really enjoyed watching her play, especially the way she owned her game at Final Tribal Council.  I saw it coming from several miles away, but it was still enjoyable to watch.  Plus Sam did a respectable job and I'm glad he got 2nd.  Let's get into who played well and who sucked!  We'll start with the Final 4.


Final 4

Who Played Well:

Obviously Rachel won Immunity, which locked in her win.  As soon as she won Immunity, I was supremely confident she was winning.  I also liked her picks of Teeny and Sam for fire-making and I loved all the help she gave Teeny.  It didn't work out the way she wanted it to, but Rachel did all the right things.

Sam probably should have done some fire-making practice before coming onto the show.  Nevertheless, he overcame crazy odds, won the fire-making challenge, and got himself to the Final Tribal Council.

Who Sucked:

As much as I loathe the strategy of wanting to do the fire-making challenge to spice up your résumé, it's currently part of the game and I think Sue should have asked Rachel to let her do fire.  Sue needed something to talk about besides her age and loyalty at Final Tribal Council.  I still don't think she had a chance to win, but this was one way she could have given herself a better chance at this late stage.

As for Teeny, she had a bad break at the end with the wind during the fire-making challenge.  That sucks.  Maybe we should just get rid of the fire-making challenge all together so that isn't an issue.


Best Player of the Final 4 goes to Rachel LaMont for winning Immunity and making good choices for the fire-making challenge.

Worst Player of the Final 4 goes to Sue Smey for not at least asking to be put into fire-making.

Final Tribal Council

Like I said above, Sue really didn't have much to talk about besides her age and her loyalty.  Yes, she won an Immunity Challenge and found an Idol, but neither of those really came into play because she wasn't targeted after the merge.  She wasn't seen as a threat because she never really did anything to become one.  She played the perfect game to get to the end and get zero votes to win.

I'll give Sam a lot of respect for his effort.  He tried hard in the Final Tribal Council and gave some solid points.  The big problem is that if you're going to elevate someone as a massive threat to get the target off your own back, you have to make damn sure that person doesn't make it to the end.

Rachel absolutely nailed it.  She played the best game going into Final Tribal Council and would have had to really blow it for Sam to have had a chance.  She owned her game and definitely stole some of Sam's thunder by taking the underdog route.


Best Player of the Season goes to Rachel LaMont for being the most well-rounded player of the cast and very good at every aspect of the game.

Worst Player of the Season goes to Rome Cooney for his horrendous social game, which is the most important aspect of Survivor.  It's crazy to me that he didn't have that figured out.

And that's it for Survivor 47.  This has been my favorite season of the new era.  It had a great cast, fun gameplay, a satisfying winner, and not too much in the way of dumb twists.  It was a close race between 45 and 47 for me, but 47 wins out because there weren't any quits.

I'm excited to see what happens next! If you liked this breakdown, check out my other write-ups at www.stacysbloggoingon.blogspot.com/.


Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 48 Premiere


Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 13 (Finale Part 1)