Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 48, Episode 2
Sigh. We were so close. If only Cedrek had kept quiet. I would have loved to see Sai go home tonight. It would have been so great. Alas, it was not to be.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 48 Premiere
Survivor is back, baby! And, boy, am I excited about this season and this cast. I like almost everybody so far and one of the only people I wasn't a fan of went home!
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 14 (Finale Part 2)
Well, we've completed another season of Survivor! I would call the finale predictable, but not boring, and I definitely find it satisfying.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 13 (Finale Part 1)
This was another great episode of Survivor coming off of an all-timer last week. I don't think the finale will be able to live up to the Final 6 and 5 eliminations.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 12
I'm always down to see the game get shaken up, and Andy did it in style with Operation: Italy, which is a great name for his plan. I just really enjoyed the the way Andy, Sam, and Genevieve put this plan together and executed it.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 11
A puzzle to get an Advantage is good on its own, but having the puzzle and Advantage dragged into the ocean via anchor if you're not quick enough is incredible. It felt the Pirates of the Caribbean mixed with a trap from Saw.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 10
Another fun episode of Survivor 47 in the books! There was definitely some questionable gameplay tonight, with everyone giving up their Shot in the Dark being at the top of the list.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 9
This was a genuinely thrilling episode of Survivor and none of the excitement had anything to do with people losing their votes. Take notes, Jeff!
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 8
Man, I needed this episode of Survivor. With the election results being what they were, I got pretty drunk to watch this episode with my buddies and it was a really nice break and a genuinely fun episode.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 7
I gotta be honest, I don't love the abundance of twists in this episode. I would have liked a straightforward vote with all twelve players just so we could see where the lines are drawn.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 6
What a fantastic episode! This was such a fun ride. I can't remember a merge boot being this spelled out since The Amazon. It felt like a big practical joke that we were all in on with the contestants and production.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 5
For most of this episode, this was a pretty average episode of Survivor. Fortunately, even average Survivor is fun. What elevated the episode was the ending.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 4
Well, this episode took a turn I wasn't expecting. I was all set for the downfall of Rome. I was really excited to see him finally get voted out and out of nowhere the game got flipped on its head.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 3
I'll be honest, I can't wait to see Rome's downfall. I enjoyed this episode and the season continues to setup the downfall of this egomaniac.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47, Episode 2
This was a really fun and satisfying episode of Survivor. I love when overconfident players get setup for an epic downfall and this was no exception.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 47 Premiere
Survivor is back, baby! Season 47 got off to a solid start, even if I am disappointed in the first elimination of the season.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 46 Finale
I'm not going to lie, this finale left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. It's a damn shame too because this season was on its way to becoming my favorite of the new era seasons, but the finale causes it to drop quite a bit.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 46, Episode 12
This was probably my favorite episode of the season. I loved it! It's been a while since I felt a pit in my stomach during Tribal Council. I usually try to stay mostly objective about who gets voted out and not be too invested one way or another. That wasn't the case this time.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 46, Episode 11
The trainwreck continues! The gameplay may have been bad, but the entertainment was pretty dang good. I think when all is said and done, 46 is going to fit in nicely with Gabon, Nicaragua, and San Juan Del Sur as the trainwreck seasons of Survivor, and I'm all for it.
Ryan’s Analysis: Survivor 46, Episode 10
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm very hungry for Applebee's now. I hope Survivor got paid well for that product placement because Applebee's absolutely got their money's worth. I did feel bad for Liz on a human level in this episode, but I'll be honest, I was laughing my ass off the entire time.